Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The following Frequently Asked Questions are provided to allow users to self-diagnose problems before contacting support and to give users a better understanding of how Sentinel works. Technical Support is available at support@truthtechnologies.com, or by using our e-mail support page. Be sure to include your name, address, account name, and the nature of your problem including the steps taken that resulted in the issue.

  • Is it safe to submit my information online using a browser?
    Sentinel uses SSL encryption to ensure that all data transmitted to or from Sentinel is encrypted and safe. This is the same type of encryption used by major web sites to protect credit card and other personal financial information.

  • I get an error trying to reach the Sentinel site.
    If this is the first time you’ve tried reaching Truth Technologies’ Sentinel site, there is likely one of the following issues:


    1. The Sentinel site utilizes secure sockets (HTTPS) to provide 128-bit encryption to ensure client data is secure. Check with your system administrator to make sure that your current internet connection setup including the firewall allows the use of secure sockets.

    2. If you are using an older browser, or the security level on your browser is set to not allow digital certificates, you’ll need to contact your system administrator to check these settings. Remedies include updating your browser, or setting your default browser settings to allow HTTPS and digital certificates.

    Note that very occasionally TTI’s site may be down for scheduled maintenance. All users should be notified prior to scheduled down-time as per our Subscriber’s Agreement, and every attempt is made to schedule maintenance during non-core business hours.

  • What if I do not want Truth Technologies to have access to my customer information or I live in a country that does not allow me to share this information?
    Sentinel operates in two modes, logging and no logging. The default is logging, which means that we store all the information and that is submitted to Sentinel and the results of the applicant checks run. This is the default because the USA Patriot Act requires that you keep a log of all compliance checks run on potential customers. We also have the option of running in no log mode. In this mode customer information is kept in memory only long enough to check the applicant and return the results to you. Technologies operates several different servers in many different locations, data can reside in a location of your choosing. This method is consistent with European Union privacy rules and ensures that no customer data exists on our servers or that no customer data exists on servers outside of a designated location. If you are unsure which logging mode your account uses contact customer support.

  • What if I do not want to enter all the data required on the check applicant screen?
    Contact customer support. We have several versions of the check applicant screen tailored to different industries. They each accept different sets of data.

  • Why do your results return High, Medium, Low and No Match Found? Why can’t you just tell me if someone is on the watch list or not?
    Our results are listed as High, Medium or Low Risk because we want you to understand that although Sentinel is an industry leading compliance tool, name and address matching are difficult problems and no tool is perfect. Problems arise due to the fact that a name is not unique, i.e. there are hundreds of John Smiths in the world, and just because your customer is named John Smith does not mean that is the same John Smith on the watch list.If you receive a low risk, or No Match Found, you can be assured that no further action is required. If you receive a Medium or High risk you should review the result details to determine if the applicant in question is indeed the person that Sentinel matched them against.

  • I ran a check two months ago and I need to review the results?
    Go to My Account menu and select Review Assessment. This will bring up a search screen where you can type in the applicant’s name or the date the check was performed to pull up the results. This feature is only available to users whose account logs applicant data.

It’s also possible to set up New Data Alert (NDA) and Continuous Customer Monitoring (CCM) processes on your account. These processes will alert you if new information is available on a check and/or run a designated list of checks weekly. More information can be found here.

  • I got a Medium risk, or High risk, on for one of the data sources, what do I do?
    First determine if the match is a ‘true’ match or a false positive. On the applicant result screen click the Medium Risk link. This will bring up a copy of the data that your applicant was matched against. Look at the information you entered and compare it to the information presented. Can you determine that the match is a false positive? False positives may be indicated by dates of birth that are more than 15 years apart, partial name matches, or other identity information that does not match such as passport number or national ID.If you determine you have a ‘true’ match each bank is required to have a compliance manual that will state your bank’s specific procedures for dealing with hits on a watch list, dealing with potential fraudulent customers, and submitting SAR and CTR reports to the government. TTI can assist by providing electronic SAR and CTR reports for easy submission, providing additional investigative services, providing compliance training, and providing consulting services to assist a entity in creating their Compliance Program (contact sales@truthtechnologies.com for additional information about these products and services – be sure to include your contact information and needs in your email).

  • I got a match on the OFAC list what do I do?
    You must verify that this is a ‘true’ match. Go into the match details by clicking the ‘High Risk’ link next to the OFAC data source name. This will display all the OFAC information that the applicant matched against. Compare this information against the applicant information. Verify that you have a complete name match and that you are not matching an individual against a company or vessel. Also check the additional OFAC information displayed such as address, date of birth and passport number to see if these items clarify if you have a valid match.For a more complete description of how to determine if you have a ‘true’ match see the OFAC FAQ.

  • What do I do if I find a true match with a name or address on the OFAC list?
    If you have verified that your match is not a false match, see “I got a match on the OFAC list what do I do? ” You must report the match to OFAC. Once a person or entity has been identified as listed on the “Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons” list, you must block and report any transaction involving these names or person by calling the OFAC hotline at: 800-540-6322. For live transaction(s) you may prefer to contact OFAC.

  • I want to re-screen all my customers against changes in the Sanction lists. How do I do that?
    To re-screen customer you must use the New Data Alert or Continuous Customer Monitoring process. More information can be found here for details on how these processes work.

  • I lost my password or user ID.
    Contact technical support to receive a new user ID or to look up a user name.

If you forgot your password, it may be possible to use the ‘Forgot Password’ link present on the login screen. In some circumstances, your supervisor may have put special procedures in place. Note that if this is the case we cannot provide a password, only reset it to a password of your supervisor’s choice.

Following receipt of a new password, from either your supervisor or from the ‘Forgot Password’ link, it is highly recommended that you change your password immediately.

  • How do I get additional IDs?
    You can contact sales@truthtechnologies.com to get additional user IDs. Please provide your need and contact information in the email.

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