Batch Processing

Batch Processing

Sentinel allows users to submit a batch one of four ways:

  • Batch Upload – upload a delimited text file in the Sentinel application

  • Batch XML Upload – upload a XML file in the Sentinel application

  • Command Line – submit a batch file using secure web services

  • Web Services – submit a batch file by calling the secure web services

Batch Upload

Users can upload delimited text files using the Sentinel web application, Resources – Batch Upload. This eliminates the need to have to run the command line file conversion and batch submission commands. This new feature only works if your file format meets one of two “predefined” file formats, for all other formats you will need to continue to use the Command Line process.

Default File Format – This is the default file format expected. It requires that the first column of your data include either a “C” for companies or an “I” for individuals. Individual names can be in three columns, first, middle, last. You need to mark “Customer name contained in a single column” as No.

Single Name File Format – This is the same as the default file format except that the individual and company name are in a single column. It requires that the first column of your data include either a “C” for companies or an “I” for individuals. You need to mark “Customer name contained in a single column” as Yes.

Record Type Unknown File Format – This file format is used if you do not know if your data records are individuals or corporations. Names must be in a single column. You need to mark “Customer name contained in a single column” as Yes.

All file uploads use European date standard: DD/MM/YYYY

All file uploads use ISO 3166 2 or 3 character country codes for citizenship and address country. ISO 3166 Alpha 3

Upload Options

  • Batch File (delimited) – The delimited text file containing your customer data. If your data is in a MS Excel file open the file and save the file as a Text Tab delimited file.

  • Delimiter – The character used to delimit data columns. It is recommended to use a character that does not appear naturally in data such as a pipe |

  • Header Row – Yes if the first row of the data file contains column header names

  • Customer name contained in a single column – Yes if the entire customer name is in one field, usually the last name field. No if data is in first, middle and last name or just first and last name fields

  • Record type identified in the first column – Yes if the first column of your data include either a C for companies or an I for individuals

Batch Processing and Web Services Manual

Batch XML Upload

See XML and WSDL Documents on page 22 of Batch Processing and Web Services Manual

Command Line

See BatchRequestPreprocessConfig Utility on page 11 of Batch Processing and Web Services Manual

Web Services

See Accessing Web Services Directly on page 15 of Batch Processing and Web Services Manual

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